If your child frequently wets the bed at night, don't worry - it's a common issue. Most children under 7 years old overcome bedwetting on their own without specific treatment. But if it persists as they grow, it's advisable to seek medical advice for diagnosis and treatment.
Bedwetting, also known as enuresis, typically falls into two types:
Primary EnuresisThe child has never achieved dryness at night (never outgrown diapers). This is common among younger children. For example, they may stay dry during the day but require diapers or pull-ups at night.
Secondary Enuresis
The child has been dry at night for a long period, usually at least six months or more, but then starts bedwetting again as they get older. For instance, a child who was dry at night since the age of 4 but begins bedwetting again at 6.
Bedwetting is not an embarrassing or shameful problem. If you or your child are experiencing this, don't blame or feel embarrassed. Brave enough to seek medical help and support, talk to a doctor or therapist. We can provide you with proper diagnosis and treatment plans to help overcome bedwetting, restore confidence, and improve health.